[AccessD] Last Business Day of the Month

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sat Apr 8 14:21:04 CDT 2023

I think I already know the answer to my question, but thought to ask it
anyway. Here in North America the last business day of the month is
typically defined as the last Friday of the month in question. How
universal is that? Even right here at home, there's a place across the
street called The Wine Rack, which is open 465 days a year, and 366 every
four years. In that context, LBDOM() would be equivalent to LDOM(), since
every day is a business day.
. I tMy proposed function would require two parameters, a date, defaulting
to today, and an int describing the offset from LDOM -- here in Canada, my
Old Age payments arrive on the third last business day of the month, so I'd
pass 3 as the second parameter.

I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the best method of allowing the
user of said function to specify the local rules. It could be a constant; I
hesitate ever to monkey with the registry. I certainly don't want to have
to pass this as another parameter. But as I stated above, even the wine
store across the street has different rules than most of us. Any


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