[AccessD] Fuzzy Matching (Like Soundex) or other ideas?

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sat Apr 22 00:40:55 CDT 2023

On 22 Apr 2023 at 15:25, Stuart McLachlan wrote:

> Oops, it's a long time since I did it.
> If the strings are different lengths, it's the levenshtein distance :)
Or you could go a step further with Damerau-Levenshtein distance

(The Damerau-Levenshtein distance differs from the classical Levenshtein distance 
by including transpositions among its allowable operations in addition to the three 
classical single-character edit operations (insertions, deletions and substitutions) )

But for plain Lenenschtein, Here's some very old PB code, it should be trivial to adapt to VBA

FUNCTION fn_LevenshteinDistance( BYVAL strText1 AS STRING, BYVAL strText2 AS 
  LOCAL lngText1Idx   AS LONG
  LOCAL lngText1Len   AS LONG
  LOCAL lngText2Idx   AS LONG
  LOCAL lngText2Len   AS LONG
  LOCAL pbytText1Char AS BYTE PTR
  LOCAL pbytText2Char AS BYTE PTR
  lngText1Len = LEN( strText1 )
  lngText2Len = LEN( strText2 )
  IF ( lngText1Len = 0 ) OR ( lngText2Len = 0 ) THEN FUNCTION = MAX%( lngText1Len, 
lngText2Len ) : EXIT FUNCTION
  IF ISFALSE( ISMISSING( lngCaseMatters )) AND ISFALSE( lngCaseMatters ) THEN
    strText1 = UCASE$( strText1 )
    strText2 = UCASE$( strText2 )
  DIM lngMatrix( lngText1Len, lngText2Len ) AS LONG
  FOR lngText1Idx = 0 TO lngText1Len
    lngMatrix( lngText1Idx, 0 ) = lngText1Idx
  NEXT lngText1Idx
  FOR lngText2Idx = 0 TO lngText2Len
    lngMatrix( 0, lngText2Idx ) = lngText2Idx
  NEXT lngText2Idx
  pbytText1Char = STRPTR( strText1 )
  pbytText2Char = STRPTR( strText2 )
  FOR lngText1Idx = 1 TO lngText1Len
    FOR lngText2Idx = 1 TO lngText2Len
      lngMatrix( lngText1Idx, lngText2Idx ) = _
        MIN%( lngMatrix( lngText1Idx - 1, lngText2Idx     ) + 1, _
          lngMatrix( lngText1Idx,     lngText2Idx - 1 ) + 1, _
          lngMatrix( lngText1Idx - 1, lngText2Idx - 1 ) + _ 
          ABS( @pbytText1Char[ lngText1Idx - 1 ] <> @pbytText2Char[ lngText2Idx - 1 ] ))
    NEXT lngText2Idx
  NEXT lngText1Idx
  FUNCTION = lngMatrix( lngText1Len, lngText2Len )

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