[AccessD] Modal/PopUp

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin2 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 10:22:26 CDT 2023

Dear Lists:

I have a continuous form that lists Tasks. I create it as a front end table
(append query + some code) each time the form opens. Each record has a
button which opens the Task detail.

Been working OK but the client now has a requirement - details not
important - which means I have to update Task list form upon returning from
the task detail.  Which means re-creating it - not a problem - creation is

I thought the best way to do this might be to use a modal form for the Task
Detail which would stop the code on the calling form until the Task Detail
form closed.

But testing showed that even though the called form is Modal/Popup Yes, the
code continues to the line after the OpenForm call on the Task List form.

What am I missing here? Shouldn't the code stop until the called form



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