[AccessD] Zoom presentation

Paul Wolstenholme Paul.W at industrialcontrol.co.nz
Fri Sep 8 00:26:54 CDT 2023


Thanks for posting this invitation to this list.
If you post one for November I will use it.

Paul Wolstenholme
Industrial Control Engineering Ltd.
PO Box 35-022,  Naenae
Lower Hutt 5041, New Zealand
Ph: +64 21 150 7222
www.IndustrialControl.co.nz <http://www.industrialcontrol.co.nz/>

e-mail: Paul.W at IndustrialControl.co.nz

On Wed, 6 Sept 2023 at 03:47, John Colby <jwcolby at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am doing a zoom presentation tomorrow night.  Anyone interested can join
> via a link on the following web page.
> Zoom presentation for Classes and events
> <https://mailchi.mp/8d487ab0b409/thank-you-10394042?e=a4aceca6b3>
> --
> John W. Colby
> Colby Consulting
> --
> AccessD mailing list
> AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
> https://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/accessd
> Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

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