[AccessD] Database Conversion
Jim Dettman
jimdettman at verizon.net
Sat Jan 6 12:20:57 CST 2024
<< to 1.89GB after processing.>>
Keep in mind too that you can have multiple BE's.
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD On Behalf Of Randall Anthony
Sent: Saturday, January 6, 2024 9:47 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Database Conversion
Thanks for the replies everyone, looking things over now.
Stuart, see below, (BTW, I'm a SQL DBA that actually coded in Access years
Before doing that:
It is on a network or single user?
Network, but basically single user.
Is it currently a split BE/FE or is everything in the one file.
If it is one file, try splitting them first.
Totally forgot about that, will try that first (BTW, it's been 5-6 years
since actively working in Access)
If multi-user, is a a share sing file or FE or do all users have seprate
local FEs.
No, see above.
When was the last timei the data file was compacted?
Do you regularly compact your data (Is it configured to "compact on
It's c/r'd before every run, down to about 800MB prior to running, to 1.89GB
after processing.
As an alternative, you may consider multiple back ends:
On 5 Jan 2024 at 20:33, Randall R Anthony via AccessD wrote:
> Hello Group,
> Happy New Year! I come before this august group with a question on
> converting an Access DB to using SQL as the BE. This is an ancient DB
> (circa 2001, current v = 2013) that's bumping up against the 2GB wall.
> It uses a lot of macros in the processing logic. How/what's the best
> way to expedite converting to SQL tables? I've seen a few posts back
> in the day that used a SQL? Access? conversion tool with mixed
> results. Thank you for your time.
> Regards,
> R.
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