[AccessD] Fwd: Your single-use code

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin2 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 9 15:00:24 CDT 2024

I changed my password on 5/30. Activity showed login attempts in Brazil but
could be a VPN location. But having changed the PW, I subsequently got
another one of these. So I just changed it to a long passphrase with a
couple of special characters. So we'll see...



On Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 7:43 AM James Button via AccessD <
accessd at databaseadvisors.com> wrote:

> The Fwd: is a suspiciousness indicator
> Hinting that the message is passing through a "third party"
> First thing with any message that contains any "suspiciousness" indicators
> -
> View the message headers -
> Where did it actually come from, and who was it actually sent to, copied
> to
> And what is the "Reply to" setting.
> Next thing - put it in the "Junk" folder  the "App", or the ISP has setup
> for you.
> Check the entries shown in that view
> You can  also SaveAs, and save it as a txt format file -
> Then use Notepad to view what is in it.
> Re.
> MS says nothing to worry about.
> Is that "Mostly Seditious", or is it some other organisation with the name
> MS?,
> Or a "friend" you asked what to do about your personal security ?
> And
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AccessD <accessd-bounces+jamesbutton=
> blueyonder.co.uk at databaseadvisors.com> On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin
> Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2024 3:50 AM
> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving <
> accessd at databaseadvisors.com>; List <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>; Off
> Topic <dba-ot at databaseadvisors.com>
> Subject: [AccessD] Fwd: Your single-use code
> I get one of these a day on average. MS says nothing to worry about. I
> changed my password a couple weeks ago. Still getting these. I guess that
> two factor authentication is worth something. My email seems to be public.
> Any inputs from you  all?
> That you are getting such messages without expecting them  would possibly
> indicate that there are multiple access attempts to get at your account.
> If there are multiple access attempts being made,
> Who, or what is making those attempts ?
> Maybe telephone Microsoft and ask them what "App", or facility access
> request is generating those code issue actions?
> My view is the
> " Someone else might have typed your email address by mistake."
> Includes an assumption.
> And the more appropriate message could be
> " Someone else might have typed your email address deliberately, and is
> hoping you find it too much of a timewaster to check your system, and
> access details  to your logons are safe"
> JimB
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Microsoft account team <
> account-security-noreply at accountprotection.microsoft.com>
> Date: Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 6:14 PM
> Subject: Your single-use code
> To: <rockysmolin2 at gmail.com>
> Hi rockysmolin2 at gmail.com,
> We received your request for a single-use code to use with your Microsoft
> account.
> Your single-use code is: 204530
> If you didn't request this code, you can safely ignore this email. Someone
> else might have typed your email address by mistake.
> Thanks,
> The Microsoft account team
> Privacy Statement: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839
> Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052
> --
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