[AccessD] Never Thought I'd See the Day

Jim Dettman jimdettman at verizon.net
Wed Jun 19 10:49:29 CDT 2024

<< That there's a decline, well, I never thought I'd see that.>>

 That's only here in the US though.  Worldwide might be a different story.

 Still, I can see the day coming where there is less demand for developers.   Software is becoming more point and click through the use of plugins and connectors for a lot routine business tasks (ie. shipping).   Then you have AI, which is still in its infancy.   Not sure where that is heading.  AI is the latest shinny toy, but investment is starting to wane.   We are 18 months in on the wave, with high costs for the LLM's, with no tangible return on investment as yet.

 But at some point, AI will be able to write decent code for complex tasks, and that will be the end of a lot of developers.


-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 11:39 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>; Off Topic <dba-ot at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: [AccessD] Never Thought I'd See the Day

The rise—and fall—of the software developer - ADP Research Institute (ADPRI)

Interesting article - says who, what, when, where, but doesn't answer the
question why,

Not too important to me - old guy, on the way out. But having been in the
developer business for almost 50 years (developed and sold my first product
while in college) I've seen the continuous ride in demand for developers.
That there's a decline, well, I never thought I'd see that.

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