ecarey at myway.com
Thu Apr 24 15:44:38 CDT 2003
Hi, Thanks for the reply! I have spent the afternoon researching this and found some things that are interesting... I tried out your code: Dim con As New ADODB.Connection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDataShape.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=USERS_PC;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Incidents;Data Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" con.Open con.Execute "BACKUP DATABASE Incidents TO DISK=N'c:\Incidents.bak' WITH INIT, NOUNLOAD, " & _ "Name='Incidents', NOSKIP, NOFORMAT" And this code also seems to run, but still didn’t put the file on my hard drive…. what it did do is put it on my USER'S hard drive. I just went to her desk and found every file that I had created was on HER computer, not mine. Hmmm. Her disk is not shared, so I have no way of browsing to it to retrieve the files. The code above (and my SQL-DMO code) throws an error if you try to send to a network drive. If anyone wants my SQL-DMO code for doing the backup from a (local) database I’ll be happy to post it. Thanks! Elizabeth --- On Thu 04/24, Francisco H Tapia < my.lists at verizon.net > wrote:From: Francisco H Tapia [mailto: my.lists at verizon.net]To: dba- BACKUP [YOURDB] TO DISK = N'C:YourPathYourFilename.bak' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'YOUR DB BACKUPName', NOSKIP , NOFORMAT _______________________________________________ No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding. Introducing My Way - http://www.myway.com