David Emerson
davide at dalyn.co.nz
Wed Feb 12 14:35:16 CST 2003
I am working on an application which was upgraded from an A97 FE/BE to and AXP ADP/SQL2K. In the previous version we had some local tables in the FE that held information specific to that FE (and there were several FE's). For example when a new client was entered then their account number was generated partly from a number held in the local table. Different FE's had different number ranges for new accounts. My understanding is that there are no local tables in an ADP. What is the way around storing information on each machine that is specific to that machine? Regards David Emerson DALYN Software Ltd 25b Cunliffe St, Johnsonville Wellington, New Zealand Ph/Fax (877) 456-1205