Francisco H Tapia
my.lists at
Tue Jul 29 13:12:00 CDT 2003
Thanks Billy, that seems to have sped up the sproc from a runtime of 13seconds down to 8-7 seconds nice... tested on a fellow developer's pc, I was running Access 2k out of the box and at work I have Access2k sr1, the other developer has Access2k sr1 loaded at home and it ran well there too. so there is some other problem locally at work that breaks this. -Francisco On Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:26 AM [GMT-8], Billy Pang <tuxedo_man at> wrote: : There are a lot of temp tables in the sprocs you are trying to : running. You can convert them into table variables. They work just : like regular temporary tables except that it is not written onto disk. : : look up data type - table in BOL. : : ==cut here =========================== : SET NOCOUNT ON : DECLARE @my_product TABLE(PROD_ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, : PROD_NAME VARCHAR(50), PROD_DATE SMALLDATETIME DEFAULT(GETDATE())) : : INSERT INTO @my_product(PROD_NAME) VALUES('red book'); : INSERT INTO @my_product(PROD_NAME) VALUES('blue book'); : INSERT INTO @my_product(PROD_NAME) VALUES('green book'); : INSERT INTO @my_product(PROD_NAME) VALUES('white book'); : : UPDATE @my_product SET PROD_NAME = 'BLUE BOOK1' WHERE PROD_ID = 2 : DELETE FROM @my_product where PROD_ID = 3 : SELECT * FROM @my_product : : SET NOCOUNT OFF : ============================= : : :: From: "Francisco H Tapia" <my.lists at> :: Reply-To: dba-sqlserver at :: To: <dba-sqlserver at> :: Subject: Re: [dba-SQLServer]Sproc runs and then it doesn't :: Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:14:44 -0700 :: :: That's right Billy, If unmodiffied Database / sprocs and Unmoddifed :: Front End Access ADP return the data via Access and QA as expected :: at home the machine is an AMD2000+ w/ 1gig of ram Win2k SP2 + :: ss2kdev SP3 :: :: WORK: Dual 800 Intel Xeon w/1gig of ram Win2kServer SP2 +ss2kserver :: SP3 :: :: well I tried just as you suggested... and no dice :( the >= still :: doesnt return via access :: what do you mean Table Variables? :: :: Thanks :: :: -Francisco :: :: :: On Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:28 AM [GMT-8], :: Billy Pang <tuxedo_man at> wrote: :: ::: so both sprocs work perfectly at home? ::: ::: Can you alter both sprocs so that it just does one simple select? ::: if both sprocs work at the office, then alter the sproc again using ::: the real code and see if it still works. ::: ::: also, are you running both sprocs concurrently? ::: ::: also, since you are using ss2k, how about replacing your temp tables ::: with table variables? ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: From: "Francisco Tapia" <my.lists at> :::: Reply-To: dba-sqlserver at :::: To: <dba-sqlserver at> :::: Subject: Re: [dba-SQLServer]Sproc runs and then it doesn't :::: Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 02:05:33 -0700 :::: :::: Billy, :::: I took the adp, and the database home and updated my home sql :::: developer copy with the office copy of the server w/ no code :::: changes and off the cuff copy to my hdd from the office the adp :::: now displays the record, Sql Server 2000 SP3, but at the office it :::: still does not and it is the same version of the db, and access :::: adp. :::: :::: this is most bazaar. :::: :::: :::: -Francisco :::: :::: :::: On Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:36 AM [GMT -8], :::: Francisco Tapia <my.lists at> wrote: :::: ::::: I'm running it as windows authentication at the moment for both QA ::::: and the ADP, doh I did not think to use the profiler, I will check ::::: that next... ::::: ::::: -Francisco ::::: ::::: ::::: On Monday, July 28, 2003 6:09 PM [GMT -8], ::::: Billy Pang <tuxedo_man at> wrote: ::::: :::::: Are you tried running both sprocs in QA using the security :::::: authentication as ADP (eg. same login)? :::::: also, does SQL Profiler reveal anything? :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::: From: "Francisco H Tapia" <my.lists at> ::::::: Reply-To: dba-sqlserver at ::::::: To: <dba-SQLServer at> ::::::: Subject: [dba-SQLServer]Sproc runs and then it doesn't ::::::: Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:01:33 -0700 ::::::: ::::::: I have a stored procedure in my database that runs fine in QA. ::::::: In fact I created 2 versions of this sproc and both of them run ::::::: fine ::::::: in QA. In an ADP ::::::: that I have one sproc runs and the other does not. What would ::::::: be different? ::::::: ::::::: In the where clause I am checking for >= or <. ::::::: ::::::: The code is "I D E N T I C A L" in both sprocs lets call them ::::::: stp_New and stp_Old the new checks for any new entries since ::::::: today 12:00am, and the Old ::::::: checks for any records older than today at 12:00am. ::::::: ::::::: If I run the sproc in Access (ADP) it does not give me any data ::::::: for stp_New but it does give me the correct results for stp_Old. ::::::: If I ::::::: go to QA I can run either sproc and they both execute correctly. ::::::: I ::::::: am at a loss about this ::::::: one... anyone ever run into something similar? ::::::: ::::::: This is my code... ::::::: ::::::: :::: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - :::: - ::::::: --- ::::::: ---------------------------- ::::::: ALTER PROCEDURE stp_004A_lstHelpDeskNewCalls ::::::: (@LoginID NVARCHAR(50)) AS ::::::: ::::::: SET NOCOUNT ON ::::::: Declare @SetDateTime as datetime, @entryUser as uniqueidentifier ::::::: SET @entryUser = dbo.udfEntryUSER(@LoginID) ::::::: SET @SetDateTime = CAST ( ::::::: CAST (DATEPART(m, getUTCdate()) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '/' + ::::::: CAST (DATEPART(d, getUTCdate()) AS VARCHAR(4))+ '/' + ::::::: CAST (DATEPART(yyyy, getUTCdate()) AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' ::::::: 00:00:00' AS DATETIME) ::::::: ::::::: IF EXISTS (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = ::::::: object_id(N'tempdb..#MaxStatus')) BEGIN ::::::: DROP TABLE #MaxStatus ::::::: END ::::::: CREATE TABLE #MaxStatus ::::::: ([HelpDeskID] [UniqueIdentifier] Not Null, ::::::: [HelpStatusID] [int] Not Null, ::::::: [entryTime] [dateTIME] Not Null) ::::::: INSERT INTO #MaxStatus(HelpDeskID, HelpStatusID, entryTIME) ::::::: Select A.HelpDeskID, A.HelpStatusID, A.entryTIME FROM ::::::: dbo.tbl_HelpDeskStatus AS A WITH(NOLOCK) ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN ::::::: (SELECT HelpDeskID, Max(entryTIME) as entryTIME From ::::::: dbo.tbl_HelpDeskStatus WITH(NOLOCK) Group By HelpDeskID) AS B ::::::: ON (A.HelpDeskID = B.HelpDeskID AND A.entryTIME = B.entryTIME ::::::: AND HelpStatusID < 2) ::::::: ::::::: IF EXISTS (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = ::::::: object_id(N'tempdb..#HelpDeskCallDetails')) BEGIN ::::::: DROP TABLE #HelpDeskCallDetails ::::::: END ::::::: CREATE TABLE #HelpDeskCallDetails ::::::: ([HelpDeskID] [uniqueidentifier] Not Null, ::::::: [CallNotes] [nvarchar](20) Null, ::::::: [ContactAddrID] [uniqueidentifier] Null, ::::::: [entryTIME] [datetime] Null, ::::::: [entryUSER] [uniqueidentifier] Null) ::::::: ::::::: INSERT INTO #HelpDeskCallDetails (HelpDeskID, CallNotes, ::::::: ContactAddrID, entryTIME, entryUSER) ::::::: Select A.HelpDeskID, LEFT(A.CallNotes, 20), A.ContactAddrID, ::::::: A.entryTIME, ::::::: A.entryUSER FROM dbo.tbl_HelpDeskCallDetails AS A WITH(NOLOCK) ::::::: INNER JOIN ::::::: (SELECT HelpDeskID, Max(entryTIME) as entryTIME From ::::::: dbo.tbl_HelpDeskCallDetails WITH(NOLOCK) Group By HelpDeskID) ::::::: AS B ON (A.HelpDeskID = B.HelpDeskID AND A.entryTIME = ::::::: B.entryTIME ) ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: Select HD.CaseNumberID, M.SN,Ctc.ContactName,Co.CompanyName, ::::::: Addr.LocationName,ZipList.State, ::::::: HelpDeskCallDetails.CallNotes AS [Call Notes], ::::::: HelpDeskCallDetails.entryTIME ::::::: FROM dbo.tbl_HelpDesk HD WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN ::::::: dbo.tbl_Machine M WITH(NOLOCK) ON HD.MachineID = M.MachineID ::::::: ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN ::::::: (SELECT * FROM #MaxStatus WITH(NOLOCK) ) AS MaxStatus ::::::: ON HD.HelpDeskID = MaxStatus.HelpDeskID ::::::: ::::::: INNER JOIN ::::::: (SELECT * FROM #HelpDeskCallDetails WITH(NOLOCK) ) AS ::::::: HelpDeskCallDetails ::::::: ON HD.HelpDeskID = HelpDeskCallDetails.HelpDeskID ::::::: ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_ContactAddress AS CtcAddr WITH(NOLOCK) ::::::: ON HelpDeskCallDetails.ContactAddrID = CtcAddr.ContactAddrID ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_Contacts AS Ctc WITH(NOLOCK) ON ::::::: CtcAddr.ContactID ::::::: = Ctc.ContactID ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_Address As Addr WITH(NOLOCK) ON ::::::: CtcAddr.AddrID = Addr.AddrID ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_Company AS Co WITH(NOLOCK) ON ::::::: Addr.CompanyID = Co.CompanyID ::::::: LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_AddrZipList AS ZipList WITH(NOLOCK) ON ::::::: Addr.ZipID ::::::: = ZipList.ZipID ::::::: ::::::: --THIS LINE BELOW IS WHAT CHANGES from >= to <, both run in QA, ::::::: but only the ::::::: OLD (<) runs in Access ::::::: ::::::: Where HelpDeskCallDetails.entryTIME >= @SetDateTime AND ::::::: HelpDeskCallDetails.entryUSER = @entryUser ::::::: ::::::: ORDER BY HelpDeskCallDetails.entryTIME ASC ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: IF EXISTS (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = ::::::: object_id(N'tempdb..#MaxStatus')) BEGIN ::::::: DROP TABLE #MaxStatus ::::::: END ::::::: IF EXISTS (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = ::::::: object_id(N'tempdb..#HelpDeskCallDetails')) BEGIN ::::::: DROP TABLE #HelpDeskCallDetails ::::::: END ::::::: ::::::: SET NOCOUNT OFF ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: -Francisco ::::::: :: :: :: _______________________________________________ :: dba-SQLServer mailing list :: dba-SQLServer at :: :: :: : : _________________________________________________________________ : The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* : : : _______________________________________________ : dba-SQLServer mailing list : dba-SQLServer at : :