Billy Pang
tuxedo_man at
Tue Oct 14 12:47:23 CDT 2003
Hello: Our IIS Server is logging website hits to SQL Server. We are trying to figure out best way to export certain records from this table into another table every 5 minutes. So far, we came up with two options: 1) in a separate table, store the ID of the last record in the IIS Log table that was exported. Every 5 minutes, export the records that are greater than the last exported ID. 2) pick one of the columns in the log table to be the "Exported" flag column. After exporting a record from the log table, update that record as exported. We are leaning towards #2 but am unsure about any locking issues. AKAIK, IIS only inserts records into that table, never update. Any ideas or thoughts? Thanks in advance, Billy _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*