[dba-SQLServer] Trouble Establishing a Connection to Remote SQL Server Tables Using DAO 3.6

Lawhon, Alan C Contractor/Morgan Research alan.lawhon at us.army.mil
Wed Aug 25 11:24:31 CDT 2004

Dear Experts:

I am having a terrible time with a Visual Basic code module which accesses three (local) Access 2000 tables and three [remote] SQL Server 2000 backend tables.  I am using the DAO 3.6 object model.  (I know, I should have used the ADO object model instead, but the "dirty deed" has already been done ...)

I have dimensioned three DAO recordset objects, (i.e. rst1, rst2, and rst3) to hold the records from the three [local] Access tables.  I am attempting to get the records from the three [remote] SQL Server tables into rst4, rst5, and rst6 DAO recordset objects.  The problem I'm having is getting a "connection" established to the SQL Server back end so that I can use "Set" statement assignments to the rst4, rst5, and rst6 recordset objects.

I would be very grateful if a sharp troubleshooter could take a look at the following code snippet and impart some wisdom as to why the [recordset] "Connect" method is not working.


Alan C. Lawhon


Option Compare Database

'         NOTE1: Initially, until this code has been throughly debugged and checked out,
'                data merge read/writes will be to (local) copies of the Production tables,
'                and NOT to the actual production tables!  Once it is determined that the
'                code is working properly, we'll change the references from the local
'                tables to the actual SQL Server remote back-end tables and add
'                "connection strings" to the rst4, rst5, and rst6 recordset object variables.
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst1 As DAO.Recordset       ' Will hold "HMIS_NSN_MAIN"              (HMIS NSN) records
Dim rst2 As DAO.Recordset       ' Will hold "HMIS_NSN_PRODUCTS"          (HMIS Products) records
Dim rst3 As DAO.Recordset       ' Will hold "HMIS_NSN_CONSTITUENTS"      (HMIS Constituents) records
Dim rst4 As DAO.Recordset       ' Will hold "EDS_NSN_MAIN_TABLE"         (Production table) records
Dim rst5 As DAO.Recordset       ' Will hold "EDS_NSN_PRODUCTS_TABLE"     (Production table) records
Dim rst6 As DAO.Recordset       ' Will hold "EDS_NSN_CONSTITUENTS"       (Production table) records
Dim Temp_PRODUCT_Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim Temp_CONSTITUENT_Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim NSN_Var As String
Dim MSDSSRNO_Var As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst1 = dbs.OpenRecordset("HMIS_NSN_MAIN", dbOpenTable)
Set rst2 = dbs.OpenRecordset("HMIS_NSN_PRODUCTS", dbOpenTable)
Set rst3 = dbs.OpenRecordset("HMIS_NSN_CONSTITUENTS", dbOpenTable)
MsgBox "Connection to [local] HMIS tables successfully established."
'   Execution "blows up" (halts) on the following statement.  (I'm attempting to access the remote SQL Server back end tables via a "Connect" method.)
Set rst4 = dbs.OpenRecordset("EDS_NSN_MAIN_TABLE", dbOpenTable)
Set rst5 = dbs.OpenRecordset("EDS_NSN_PRODUCTS_TABLE", dbOpenTable)
Set rst6 = dbs.OpenRecordset("EDS_NSN_CONSTITUENTS", dbOpenTable)
MsgBox "Connection to production tables successfully established."
Exit Sub   '  Temporarily exit subroutine until we get connection to production
               '  tables established.

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