Ron Moore
rmoore at
Fri Nov 19 09:16:40 CST 2004
I'm trying to stuff a flag when changes exist in metadata and have been unsuccessful using a SELECT TOP 1 fieldname, as well as SELECT COUNT(fieldname). Currently trying the count approach as that would give me the magnitudes of changes, and the SQL string looks like: UPDATE PLAN_STAGE.dbo.S2B_MD_DT_CHANGES SET MD_CHANGES = (SELECT COUNT(CHILD) FROM PLAN_STAGE.dbo.DATA_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_TMP WHERE CHILD IS NOT NULL) FROM PLAN_STAGE.dbo.S2B_MD_DT_CHANGES, PLAN_STAGE.dbo.DATA_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_TMP I have also tried substituting the following WHERE EXISTS in place of the last FROM line in above SQL string: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT COUNT(CHILD) FROM PLAN_STAGE.dbo.DATA_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_TMP WHERE CHILD IS NOT NULL) The select portion by itself works, but the update returns '(0 row(s) affected)'. What am I missing here? Thanks in Advance, Ron Moore