John W. Colby
jwcolby at
Sun Sep 5 10:23:20 CDT 2004
Is it my imagination or is SQL Server just not particularly friendly? Yea, I know, it is a BIG database and you are supposed to know what you are doing but still... For example, I need to truncate my log files. I am doing this BCP and three of the 4 BCPs I had running last night failed due to the log file running our of room. SIGH! Now I can find a help page on Truncating the log file, but nowhere does it actually say "do this". It seems that this would be something that needs to be done manually once in awhile if for no other reason than (like this case) to get back in operation quickly. So you would THINK there would be a "truncate log file" menu item somewhere. Ah yes, research is sooooo good for the soul. I have a TON of real (paying) work waiting to be done and I'm trying to figure out how to do a simple thing like truncate the log file! John W. Colby