John W. Colby
jwcolby at
Sun Sep 5 19:34:33 CDT 2004
Back when I first started this data import I was using DTS to import all the text files. I subsequently switched to using bcp. It turns out that the data inside the raw text file has all fields in the format: "Some Data", "Some more data", "still some more data" Etc. Notice the quotes. It appears that dts ignored the quotes(?) and that bcp didn't. I now have 27 million records in my database with quotes around each data item. Argh! Can this be true? Is it a difference between DTS and BCP or is it something else entirely? Can BCP be told to ignore the quotes? Can SQL Server be told to take the quotes out of the already entered data? I spent ALL DAY yesterday feeding BCP queries into 4 machines feeding QUOTED DATA into my database. BIG SIGH! John W. Colby