Francisco Tapia
fhtapia at
Mon Feb 7 13:35:55 CST 2005
Last week (or so) I posted a function that can be used to convert a list to a table... I was creating an audit log that would have used concactecated a list into a single column, but broke away from that as it's not a normalized design instead I went w/ a standard parent table, child table design which joined data approrpately... the reason to considering the former, is because the web ui will be passing me a string list of id's for me to check against... I just finished making the 2ndary part to the listToTable function which handles a quick conversion and it's all cursorless... I expect that the solution will be faster than a cursor but I've only tested it w/ less than 3000 records... | Tsql and More... -- -Francisco | PC news with out the jargon!