[dba-SQLServer] Search your database....

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Wed Jun 1 12:24:31 CDT 2005

He wrote four articles on that

SQL Server Full Text Search has the ability to index several types of 
binary data too.
Included are Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents,
along with plain text, XML, and HTML pages.

MSDE doesn't have this option.

How about using the Google Desktop Search Engine.
It also searches pdf documents.
The trick here is to search only certain filetypes
by adding filetype:html or filetype:txt
to the end of search string
It also returns all the data in an xml file, so you can search that
directly from VBA or VB.Net code.
It doesn't point you to the exact string only the document name
that contains it.
It is a work in progress, You need AddIns( open source
being developed) to search certain filetypes greater than 5000 words.
I know they exist for PDF, text and html.
The XML doesn't return non ISO-8859-1 characters non-western european 
correctly in UTF-8.
It is fast less than 5 secs for about 30000 files on a 20 gig disk, 
indexing takes about 12 hours intially.
So these maybe showstoppers.

I have some starter VBA code that retrieves and parses xml for this  if 
you want it

Francisco Tapia wrote:

>Well a bit more googling turned up what I need, tho I'm still reading
>the article, I hope this is all that is needed, anybody have any
>special tricks, or caveats?...
>On 5/31/05, Francisco Tapia <fhtapia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Yeah I forgot to mention, sorta like in the guise of Google/yahoo/msn etc..
>>SEARCH [ Machine +RPM -small ]
>>would yeild all text w/ the word Machine and RPM but also exlcude the
>>text w/ the word "small"
>>On 5/31/05, Charlotte Foust <cfoust at infostatsystems.com> wrote:
>>>Regular Expressions?
>>>Charlotte Foust
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Francisco Tapia [mailto:fhtapia at gmail.com]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:54 PM
>>>To: dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com
>>>Subject: [dba-SQLServer] Search your database....
>>>Our company has been moving a lot of web content into SQL Server
>>>databases... the purpose was to make them searchable.  I'm not exactly
>>>sure how to go about searching the ntext fields for this information..
>>>I'm thinking like, but is there a better method than the "like"
>>>maybe IN or EXISTS?
>>http://pcthis.blogspot.com |PC news with out the jargon!
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Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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