Lavsa, Rich
Rich_Lavsa at
Thu May 19 13:02:15 CDT 2005
Hello all, I came from an Access world, and so far have been mostly self taught on the SQL Server side of things. One thing that I used to do in Access from time to time is have 2 fields that were returned in a query, however for reporting purposes, sometimes it was determined that one or the other was to be used depending on a condition. This was easy in Access as it allowed you to use an IIF() statement and actually use the value of another field inline with each record. Now I'm trying to do the same in the following query in SQL Server. In the Middle of the Select portion, you will see CustomerAddress.Sys_address_1 and at the end you will see NoOrderAddress.Address1 AS NoOrdAdd1. What can happen in this scenario is that sometimes the information is brought back from our ERP system in which the Order Number will return all the pertant information, however in very few cases I had to allow the entry of data even though there wasn't an Order number to refer to, so the information on a NO ORDER would be manually entered. So what I hope to achieve is to return the value CustomerAddress.Sys_address_1 if RGA.PCCOrderNo <> 'No Order' else return NoOrderAddress.Address1 AS NoOrdAdd1. I tried the ISNULL approach, Case statement, and an IF statement neither of which worked in returning a value that is inline, however all worked in testing for the condition and returning text but none acutally returned the field value when I ask it to return NoOrderAddress.Address1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. SELECT RGA.RGANo, RGA.RGADate, RGA.ContactFName, RGA.ContactlName, isnull(RGA.ContactFName,'') + ' ' + isnull(RGA.ContactlName,'') as ContactName, CustomerAddress.CUSTOMER_NAME AS CompanyName, RGA.PCCOrderNo, UsedOrderInfo.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE AS CustomerRef, RGA.Freight, CASE rga.restockfee when 0 then 'No' when 1 then 'Yes' else 'N/A' End as Restockfee, RGA.RGANotes, RGA.FreightStatus, PCCRep.FirstName, PCCRep.LastName, lkpReason.ReasonDesc, lkpWarehouse.Companyname as whseCompanyName, lkpWarehouse.Address1 as whseAddress1, lkpWarehouse.Address2 as whseAddress2, lkpWarehouse.City as whseCity, lkpWarehouse.State as whseState, lkpWarehouse.Zip as whseZip, RGA.RGAId, dbo.NoOrderAddress.Address1 AS NoOrdAdd1, CustomerAddress.SYS_ADDRESS_1, CustomerAddress.SYS_ADDRESS_2, CustomerAddress.SYS_POSTAL_CODE, CustomerAddress.SYS_CITY, CustomerAddress.SYS_STATE, UsedOrderInfo.CUSTOMER_NUMBER AS CompanyNumber, lkpWarehouse.Location, RGA.ReasonForCredit, RGA.DetailsOfCredit, RGA.Approved, UsedOrderInfo.DELIVERY_ADDRESS_CODE, UsedOrderInfo.INVOICE_ADDRESS_CODE, CustomerAddress.ADDRESS_CODE, RGA.RequestedCredit, lkpStatus.StatusDesc, NoOrderAddress.CompanyName AS NoOrdCoName, NoOrderAddress.Address1 AS NoOrdAdd1, NoOrderAddress.Address2 AS NoOrdAdd2, NoOrderAddress.City AS NoOrdCity, NoOrderAddress.State AS NoOrdState, NoOrderAddress.ZipCode AS NoOrdZip, NoOrderAddress.PhoneNumber AS NoOrdPhone, NoOrderAddress.FaxNumber AS NoOrdFax, NoOrderAddress.DiscrepancyNotes AS NoOrdNotes FROM dbo.lkpReason RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.lkpWarehouse RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.PCCRep RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.NoOrderAddress RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.RGA ON dbo.NoOrderAddress.RGAID = dbo.RGA.RGAId ON dbo.PCCRep.PCCRepID = dbo.RGA.PCCRepID ON dbo.lkpWarehouse.WarehouseID = dbo.RGA.WarehouseID ON dbo.lkpReason.reasonID = dbo.RGA.ReasonID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UsedOrderInfo LEFT OUTER JOIN OPENQUERY(RENCS, 'select Address_code, Customer_number, sys_Postal_code, Customer_Name, sys_address_1, sys_address_2, sys_state, sys_city from fin_prod.CUSTOMER_ADDRESSES') CustomerAddress ON dbo.UsedOrderInfo.DELIVERY_ADDRESS_CODE = CustomerAddress.ADDRESS_CODE AND dbo.UsedOrderInfo.CUSTOMER_NUMBER = CustomerAddress.CUSTOMER_NUMBER ON dbo.RGA.PCCOrderNo = dbo.UsedOrderInfo.ORDER_NUMBER LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.lkpStatus ON dbo.RGA.RGAStatus = dbo.lkpStatus.StatusID Where RGA.PCCOrderNo = 'No Order' Rich