Francisco Tapia
fhtapia at
Wed Sep 21 16:35:31 CDT 2005
My backup procedure consist of doing a full db backup and copying the .bak file over to my test server and development servers the command for backing up looks like this full backup: BACKUP DATABASE [myLGdb] TO [DB_Full_DBbk] WITH INIT , NAME = N'DB FULL DB bkup', NOSKIP Diff backup: BACKUP DATABASE [myLGdb] TO [DB_DIFF_bk] WITH INIT , DIFFERENTIAL , NAME = N'DB DIFF', NOSKIP RESTORE sequence: RESTORE DATABASE devREDe FROM DISK = 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\DB.bak' WITH STANDBY = 'D:\BACKUP\FullDB.tmp' GO RESTORE DATABASE devREDe FROM DISK = 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\DB_DIFF.bak' WITH FILE = 1, RECOVERY GO It's bizar but the first day the diffirential backup is supposed to restore on the test server (tuesday morning) I always end up w/ errors that it couldn't restore the diff backup... I end up having to manually re-run the full and diff backups on tuesday and then it runs fine for the rest of the week untill next tuesday... do my commands look odd? or even my procedure? btw, I do have a log backup that occurs during the day when the log hits 60%.... -- -Francisco |PC news with out the jargon! | Tsql and More...