[dba-SQLServer] Transferring a database to another SQL Server

Robert L. Stewart rl_stewart at highstream.net
Tue Aug 29 09:15:55 CDT 2006

As to why we are all here, it is to learn and hopefully help when we 
KNOW the answer.

The simple answer was given to him (JC) in the first post back to 
him.  Which is why I never chimed in.

Detach it.
Copy it to the other machine.
Attach it.

KISS - Keep it Supremely Simple

Always works for me.


At 08:40 AM 8/29/2006, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:17:25 +0930
>From: "Haslett, Andrew" <andrew.haslett at ilc.gov.au>
>Subject: Re: [dba-SQLServer]
>         [AccessD]TransferringadatabasetoanotherSQLServer
>To: <dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com>
>         <0A870603A2A816459078203FC07F4CD2BE403C at adl01s055.ilcorp.gov.au>
>Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="utf-8"
>Suit yourselves - Seems to be a bit of a 'boys' club who are quite 
>happy to ask for advice but only accept it when its something they 
>want to hear, and ignore it otherwise (demonstrated throughout the post below)
>The points I made in my post apply to anyone looking to undertake 
>similar issues, and will continue to happen until someone has the 
>guts to say it, irrelevant of who it is aimed at (which is how it 
>should be -> on a public forum, favour or protection should not be 
>given to anyone simply because they are friends, associates or seniority).
>Ask yourself this -> Would you have made the same post Jim, had it 
>not have been aimed at Mr Colby?.
>Stark realities occasionally need be surfaced in order for them to 
>sink in.. Irrespective of the target or consequences.  Was it harsh? 
>Yup.  Could it perhaps prevent someone else from making the same 
>mistakes and undertaking projects without due preparation and 
>planning? Hopefully, and therefore I believe useful.
>John asked Stuart "Why are you here then?".   Some of us prefer to 
>assist others, pass on what knowledge they can and in my case 
>attempt to 'help others, help themselves', as opposed to just 
>feeding of others.
>I know of a number who have left this (and the Access) list in the 
>past, including myself, for similar reasons and 'Matesmenship' in 
>the upper echelons.
>Please unsubscribe me from the list.

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