[dba-SQLServer] strip all leading / trailing spaces

Mark Rider ridermark at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 07:48:21 CST 2006

This is from another thread on a similar subject - deleting spaces
from a field. Basically the SPROC loops through the field and replaces
it with fewer spaces than were there originally.

Since I am not much more advanced that pond scum, I am not positive
that it will work for you, but it may be a way to start!

UPDATE Table SET FirstName = Replace(FirstName, '  ', ' ') where
charindex('  ', FirstName) > 0
while @@Rowcount > 0
UPDATE Table SET FirstName = Replace(FirstName, '  ', ' ') where
charindex('  ', FirstName) > 0

Mark Rider

Don't anthropomorphize computers.
They don't like it.

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