David Lewis
DavidL at sierranevada.com
Thu Dec 7 12:03:56 CST 2006
For sql2K, your query might looks something like: SELECT o.name Table_Name , c.name Column_Name , t.name DataType , c.Length , CASE WHEN c.isnullable=1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS 'Nullable' FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN syscolumns c ON (o.id=c.id and o.type='U') INNER JOIN systypes t ON (c.xtype=t.xtype) ORDER BY o.name, c.name This will give a list of all user tables in the db, with all columns, datatypes, lengths, and if nullable. In the master database there are many stored procedures that can also help you. For this particular problem sp_MSHelpColumns is likely the place to start (and isn't much different from the query above). HTH. D. Lewis