[dba-SQLServer] trigger help

Susan Harkins harkinsss at bellsouth.net
Sun Jan 15 09:23:58 CST 2006

Well, once I deleted the END statement from the template it ran fine. 

Guys, what don't I know here? It doesn't seem right to me that an END
statement would've caused this problem. 

Susan H. 

I had a situation where I needed to create a table using fieldnames based on
other data, then run a query based on the new table.  However, because the
table wasn't permanent I couldn't create the query.  What I did was create a
normal table (tblTableName), base the query on that (SELECT * FROM
tblTableName).  Once the query was saved I could delete the table.  Since
the query was only run when the temporary table was created it worked.  Mind
you, the tables I created were not internal temp ones as I needed to access
them outside of the sproc that created them.  The sproc deleted the previous
copy of the table before creating the new one based on new data.

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