Francisco Tapia
fhtapia at
Fri Jun 2 17:45:20 CDT 2006
This really is a fun job, sometimes you won't find out what people want to report on.. :D. Generally i hate to sit and write reports, as it's always similar to one you just wrote but just enough diffrences that it needs to be a completely new report :|. today I'm writing one on a part list where i need to find parts that have failed a 2nd time within 90 days of the first failure :| so part a fails in 1/1/06, and fails again in 2/28/06... the 2/28 counts, but not the initial one. likewise, if a part fails again on 3/3/06, that counts as well because it's within 90 days of the 2/28 fail. fields are PN, FailDate Initially i'm gonna dump the fields to a temp table so I can work with a smaller subset of data. i think i should dump out the distinct pn list as well, i could create a while loop to find all pn that failed within 90 days of each other and dump out the ones that do not. so in my above example, if a part fails again at 7/1/06, that fail no longer counts as it's > 90 days since the last fail. not really expecting a reply just venting :) -- -Francisco |PC news with out the jargon! | Tsql and More...