jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Nov 3 00:26:56 CST 2006
It took the system 56 minutes to carve just the address fields (and the PK) out into a new table - 64 million records. I have a second query running right now to carve out the boating. More fields. I'm going to bed so I will tell you the time to do this tomorrow. I need to know how to run a query to add an index so that I can see the time required to accomplish this. I have been going in to table design to do this and it "just goes away" and comes back when it is done. I can't really tell how long it takes. Man am I going to learn SQL! Alter table, add constraint, primary key... And I need to find the syntax to make a field non-nullable. Which brings up an interesting point. These tables are being created with a "PK" which is also an "FK", essentially it is a one to one child table to the master address table. I will probably eventually create the relationships, though I am not sure whether they are truly necessary. The master table is never SUPPOSED to have records deleted. Well, stuff for tomorrow. John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com