David Lewis
DavidL at sierranevada.com
Thu Nov 30 14:44:44 CST 2006
I had something very similar, if not identical, happen to me a few weeks ago. In the end I ended QA and shut down the computer, then restarted everything and it then worked. I could come up with no reasonable explanation. I haven't come across anything like that ever before. Go Figure. D. Lewis Message: 6 Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 19:45:39 +0000 From: "Mark A Matte" <markamatte at hotmail.com> Subject: Re: [dba-SQLServer] SQL in SP failing To: dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com Message-ID: <BAY127-F3724234469D4856F196A05D2DB0 at phx.gbl> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed The real mystery is that it ran the first few times after I created it. When it started failing I would change things, save, run, fail,change things back,save, and it would run correctly. Like just now...I got it to run...here is the actual sql: set @sql='insert into tblBrita_ID(case_id,Criteria) SELECT case_id, "'+ at ID+'" As Criteria FROM tblCase where creation_date > "1/1/2006" and' + @ID And this was what I started with that would NOT run...and what I finished with that did run(SAME CODE). To clarify...The @ID is actually criteria used to isolate records. I need to know what criteria picked a record...that is why I save it in the new table. I got it to run...but am very confused as to why it does...sometimes? Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Mark A. Matte