jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Feb 17 13:45:42 CST 2007
I just discovered SQL_Variant data type. I haven't tried using it yet, but it does seem to solve the "can be any data type" issue for my data store issue. The tables now look like: tblPeople PE_ID PE_Fname . . tblSurvey SV_ID 'Survey ID SV_Name 'Survey Name tblSurveyField SVFLD_ID 'Survey Field ID SVFLD_IDSV 'Survey ID SVFLD_Name 'Survey Name SVFLD_DataType 'Survey Data Type tblSurveyData SVDAT_ID 'Survey Data ID SVDAT_IDSVFLD 'Survey Field ID SVDAT_IDPE 'Person ID SVDAT_Data Type SQL_Variant Thus the process that normalizes the data "discovers" the data type at the field level and stores the data type in the field table. The data is stored in the data field, apparently converted to the correct type (from the text that I receive in a survey flat file). On the way back out, the SVFLD_DataType is used to cast the data back to the correct type for compares etc. Thoughts on the matter? John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com