artful at
artful at
Tue Mar 13 11:35:06 CDT 2007
I just dug up some code I wrote a long while back, because suddenly I needed it. It's a function that parses a comma-delimited string and places the contents into a table, then returns the table. Lots of front ends assemble a string and then pass it to a stored procedure or function that then uses the string as the argument to an IN() clause. This is woefully inefficient, and there is a better way. The following function does what is described above. The cool thing is that you can join the result table to some other table, with a significant performance gain over the typical IN() approach. Here is the function, followed by an example call: <code> CREATE FUNCTION dbo.StringToTable_fnt ( @String varchar(100) ) RETURNS @Values TABLE (ID int primary key) AS BEGIN DECLARE @pos int DECLARE @value int WHILE @string > '' BEGIN SET @pos = CHARINDEX(',', @string) IF @pos > 0 BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING( @string, 1, @pos - 1) SELECT @string = LTRIM(SUBSTRING( @string, @pos + 1, LEN(@string)- at pos+1)) INSERT @Values SELECT @value END ELSE IF LEN(@string) > 0 BEGIN SET @value = @string INSERT @Values SELECT @value SET @string = '' END ELSE SET @string = '' END RETURN END -- SELECT * FROM dbo.StringToTable_fnt('100, 200, 300, 400, 500') </code> Don't mind the formatting. I pasted it directly from SSMS. You can clean it up. Hope this helps someone, Arthur Fuller Technical Writer, Data Modeler, SQL Sensei Artful Databases Organization