[dba-SQLServer] Bulk insert

Billy Pang tuxedoman888 at gmail.com
Tue May 8 00:10:34 CDT 2007


This is a bit late so not sure if you resolved your issues with BCP yet.
However, I would like to point out that bcp does indeed handle fixed width
datatypes.  See following illustration:

1) create a database called test

2) run the following script to create a table called table1

 [asdf] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
 [asdf2] [int] NULL ,
 [asdf3] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [asdf4] [int] NULL ,
 [asf] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

3) populate the table with 2 records

insert into table1 values('1',2,'3',4)
insert into table1 values('a',5,'b',6)

4) ok.. now use bcp to export the data using trusted connection

bcp "test..table1" out "c:\yo_exported_data.txt" -T -c

there are two records in the data file.  note: fixed width preserved!

5) use bcp to create a format file

bcp "test..table1" format -T -c -f "c:\yo_format_file.txt"

6) now use bcp to import the records you just exported using the format file
you just created

bcp "test..table1" in "c:\yo_exported_data.txt" -T -c -f

7) count the records in the table
select count(*) from table1

there are four records

8) view the records in the tables.

select * from table1

sometimes bcp is a bit of pita but it works like a dream once you get it
working.  hardest part is creating the format file but once you get bcp to
do that for you, the rest pretty much writes itself.



On 5/1/07, David Lewis <DavidL at sierranevada.com> wrote:
> John:
> There are a few websites concerned with sql server, with active forums.
> I recommend you check them out.  One is sqlcentral.com, the other is
> sswug.
> You are right, access is a 'toy' when compared to sql server.  One
> problem you are having is that you don't have the luxury of a learning
> curve -- but that is not the fault of the tool.  Hang in there.  D
> And that is exactly what I am doing and it is soooooo KLUDGY!!!
> I am running a program I wrote to read the data out of the original
> fixed
> width file because SQL Server won't handle fixed width files and strip
> off
> the spaces.  How incredibly stupid is THAT?  Is there ANYONE out there
> who
> WANTS those spaces?  So I am already using KLUDGE to get data into SQL
> Server.  Now I export it out to a perfectly valid CSV file only to
> discover
> that SQL Server BCP and Bulk Insert don't even look at (understand)
> quotes
> around comma delimited fields.
> But ACCESS does.  But Access is a TOY remember?  What exactly does that
> make
> SQL Server that it needs a toy to feed it data?
> This has been an exercise in discovering just how brain dead the data
> import
> processes are (or can be anyway) for SQL Server.  This is NOT rocket
> science.  I am able to write a utility to open / import / mangle /
> export it
> back out to another file in VBA.  How tough can it be to do this import
> inside of SQL Server natively?
> I have no idea how widespread this kind of file is but I can tell you
> that
> that is all I see EVER in the industry I am dealing with.  HUGE files,
> fixed
> width, space padded right.  And I can tell you they have been a royal
> to get into SQL Server.
> At least now I have my own utility that can get I these input files into
> the
> format I need, even if it is in ACCESS/ VBA.  My next step is to port
> this
> to VB.Net so that I can do it a little more "natively".  Once I get a
> little
> more familiar with VB.Net I want to look at storing the data right into
> a
> recordset in ADO and then write that back to SQL Server.  If that is too
> slow (I suspect that it will be) then I can still do what I do now and
> import / mangle / write to file and then run a stored procedure to do a
> Bulk
> Insert from the file I create.
> John W. Colby
> Colby Consulting
> www.ColbyConsulting.com
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Billy Pang
"Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box." -
Italian proverb

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