Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Fri Jun 27 10:06:25 CDT 2008
The db I'm currently working on has dozens of relatively simple triggers which all do pretty much the same thing. Here is an example: <sql> CREATE TRIGGER [BESTReport].[trgPersonReport_InsertUpdate] ON [BESTReport].[PersonReport] AFTER UPDATE, INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT INTO [Audit].[PersonReport] ( [PersonReport_ID] ,[Person_ID] ,[Report_ID] ,[Active] ,[SystemUser] ,[SessionUser] ,[OriginalUser] ,[ActionDate] ,[Application] ) SELECT [PersonReport_ID] ,[Person_ID] ,[Report_ID] ,[Active] ,SYSTEM_USER ,SESSION_USER ,original_login() ,getdate() ,app_name() FROM INSERTED END </sql> My question is this: given that System_User, Session_User, Original_Login(), GetDate() and App_Name() are all available at all times, then why not just declare them as defaults on the columns rather than use a trigger? The example cited above serves both Insert and Update, and obviously in the latter case default columns wouldn't work, but my question remains regarding the Insert. Is there a performance hit due to the trigger which would not be incurred with simple defaulted columns? TIA, Arthur