[dba-SQLServer] This is a cute little gotcha

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 15:59:57 CDT 2008

Abbreviated code, enough to give the gist without the gory details....

DECLARE @statement VARCHAR(255)
-- Build Cursor of Alter Index Statements
DECLARE Statement_Cursor CURSOR
'UPDATE STATISTICS [' + SCHEMA_NAME() + '].[' + sysobjects.NAME + ']'
FROM sysobjects
WHERE TYPE = 'U' -- user tables
OPEN Statement_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Statement_Cursor INTO @statement

This code generates a series of statements like:


What is interesting is that this construction calls Schema_Name() just once
and it returns "dbo". But this is not appropriate for a db such as
AdventureWorks which is subdivided into many schemas.

I notice in the sysobjects table that there is a column called uid which
corresponds to the schemas but I don't know where it points. That would seem
a workable solution to this problem.


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