jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Dec 20 12:11:50 CST 2010
I have a client using Access BEs which I would like to move to SQL Server Express. The biggest issue in my mind is near term expansion. One reason we need to move is simply that we have already split the BEs a couple of times to keep the size reasonable. We have a BE at 850 MB, 750MB and 500 MB. These are just too big for Access IMHO. OTOH merging them all back into a single SQL Server express BE would result in a pretty large database (by Express standards), although it appears that they did increase the SSE 2008 limitation to 10 gigs. Is anyone using SS Express to try to run a small business - under 50 employees, ~25 users in the db most of the day? Any insights, gotchas, words of wisdom? -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com