[dba-SQLServer] SPAM-LOW: Re: My database is slow

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Mar 22 12:58:42 CDT 2010


I thought it was slow through SSMS as well.  However I just went back in to look and it is pretty 
much instantaneous displaying the top (1000) records for any table.

The database files are on my local laptop.  The laptop is a DELL (Intel) dual core with 4 gigs of 
RAM.  The hard drive is an upgrade to 7200 rpm.

Everything was running fine.  I had SQL Server 2005 Express services running on the laptop and 
installed 2005 SSMS to be able to see it from SSMS if needed.

I never had any issues until I switched to 2008.  I upgraded my SERVER to 2008 and suddenly was 
unable to get at the databases on the server.  Thinking back on it that was suspicious since I would 
think that 2005 SSMS should be able to see and talk to 2008 server instances.

I wasn't really thinking deeply about that though.  I just decided that 2008 was running great on 
the server, let's install on my laptop as well.  When I tried, it complained during install about 
the Express stuff.  I just decided to completely uninstall everything SQL Server and reinstall from 
scratch with 2008.  That in fact worked quite well.

So it seems that maaaaybe the issue could be ODBC access to the 2008 stuff from Access 2003.  The 
interface is still pretty darned slow.

I think life is prodding me to learn how to bind forms and combos to stored procedures out on SQL 
Server.  I actually moved to SQL Server exactly to allow me to learn this stuff here at my office on 
a real system, then I never got around to it.

John W. Colby

Mark Breen wrote:
> Hi John,
> So it is SQL Server itself or the billing db?
> Are other db's also slow?  If it is just billing then you need to look at
> indexes etc, and as Bobby is suggesting, you may want to use the wizard to
> create a daily maintenance plan, that will re-build the indexes on specified
> databases. I always include a daily maintenance plan on any transaction
> based db's I look after.
> However, if it is machine and OS / installation related, that is all
> irrelevant and you need to look at firewall, AV or some other machine
> related issue.  I would plum first for a careful complete removal of SQL and
> another install in that case.  I would turn off AV/ Firewal and anything
> else that might effect it (Spyware software).
> Let us know which it is, I recently upgraded a few machines to sql 2008 and
> would be keen to hear how you get on.
> Also, is it slow in SSMS or just through the GUI that you are using?  IOW,
> could it be ABO or ODBC related?
> Mark

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