[dba-SQLServer] dynamic sql

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed May 19 22:25:26 CDT 2010


Thanks for the response.

I keep my large "source data" databases segregated for a couple of reasons.

1) The tables are largish - tens of millions of records.  I have tables with as few as 11 million 
records clear up to 70 million records.  The database files themselves run from 5 GIGS up to 
hundreds of gigabytes.
2) The hardware I can afford makes dealing with the separated data doable, whereas a merged database 
scenario would quickly get out of hand.
3)My client (the owner of the data) tends to use just one or two of the databases for any given 
order.  However it is often the case that I will select data where I join the tables in two or 
occasionally more databases (source tables) together.

IOW Women with children ages 0-3 years or 4-7 years AND has a dog.  The Children database (20 
million records) comes from one source, the cat_dog table (11 million records) from another source. 
   So I have about a dozen of these "source tables" and the client can ask me to "join" any given 
set of them.

I actually do the join on a hash value in each table, where I have hashed the name and address 
fields and store the hashes.  Thus the hash values are identical between the two tables where the 
name / address info are identical.  The hash values are just a shortcut, I could accomplish the same 
thing using multi-field joins but that is a PITA.


I drive all of this from C#.  I am developing a largish application in C# which executes the stored 
procedures for any given process.  I have an Address validation export process, address validation 
input process, order fixed width file export process and some others.  Because the address 
validation export / import process is rigorously standardized (by me), I can validate ALL of my 
"source data" tables using the exact same code.  Additionally I can address validate the order data 
tables with that same process.  Basically I just use the same set of out / in stored procedures for 
each and every database I touch.  All driven by my custom C# program.

The stored procedures allow me to define the database / table (or view) name to export / import and 
each SP then has an error code / error message / result code / number of records effected (where 
applicable).  Thus my C# app can monitor for errors on the SQL Server side, watch for number of 
records effected and so forth and perform error handling / logging up at the application level. 
Likewise I can log results, dates / times to perform the stored procedure, and so forth.

It is slooooowwwly becoming "point and click".

The question about dynamic SQL really comes from the fact that I am about to embark on a rewrite of 
"my" SQL book:


I use dynamic SQL a lot, and want to do a chapter on it, but at the same time I want to capture the 
reality of best practice which apparently is "use it judiciously and with safeguards".  I certainly 
do NOT use it judiciously, I use it everywhere and I have NO safeguards.  My specific case allows me 
to get away with that but I want to do the right thing in the book.

Basically I don't know what the right thing is, how to do the safeguards.  So this thread is about 
collecting opinions and methods for doing stuff that is complex enough that dynamic SQL might make 
sense, but doing it the right way.

John W. Colby

Francisco Tapia wrote:
> Excellent description John, when I get a bit of time I'll write up
> some sudo code on how to do what you do but a bit more standardized.
> As it is having all your sprocs (stored procedured) in a central
> master database certainly helps with maintenance.
> I saw Shamil's reply and think that partitioned views could be a
> useful tool but really you are already segragating each dataset in
> each database.
> In your situation as I mentioned in the past might be a good passable
> reason why dynamic sql works.  Its not always the case as most systems
> have user interfaces and any one of those guys could wreck your data.
> Some user defined functions to ensure parameters are scrubbed might
> prove useful to you to help strip harmful dynamic syntax. You
> mentioned that you have standardized fields and tables and you quite
> possibly have all of this worked out already.  As I said I'll comment
> with more details when I get more time.

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