[dba-SQLServer] Dynamic SQL

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu May 20 12:54:44 CDT 2010

Exactly right Francisco.  I need to capture a snapshot of exactly what existed for that order and 
then get back to that exact dataset later quickly and easily.  I also need to "mark up" those 
records as I use them for a specific order.

I may use some or all of those records for a different "client" in a different order, but for the 
original "client" they do not want to see records they have already purchased.  Thus as I send them 
out I mark them as "used", but they are only "used" for that client, and in fact sometimes only for 
that "order".

And while I am always willing to expound on the why, it really isn't possible to suggest a 
"redesign" of the process without a LOT more information on what I am doing and why.  Don't get me 
wrong, I do in fact modify my processes as I find better ways of doing things, but this is pretty 
complicated stuff.

What I am trying to get is not "how do I make my process better" but rather "how can I use dynamic 
SQL better".  They really are completely independent subjects, and I need info on the dynamic sql 
side of the house.

John W. Colby

Francisco Tapia wrote:
> I think it boils down to speed and accuracy of data.  A view will always
> generate a truthful representation of the available data.. so if you add new
> records or as John does, processes them through his validator scheme, then
> the results of the View will be different from his original resultset, and
> what he needs is an exact copy of the original order, thus the physical
> tables.  secondly i think it also boils down to speed... if his original
> table is a 70million row table and you've already extracted the results to a
> 2million row table, it's much faster to quickly re-generate the report for
> your client from the 2m table than the 70m, saving you time, and producing
> the exact results...
> I think he's said in the past that he may be asked to provide resultsA...
> then maybe asked for that same resultset agian a 2nd time.. or to generate a
> derivative from resultsA to generate a resultAsubB as an example... in any
> case it seems like a shame to not be able to provide all available records
> if new demographic data is suddenly made available... but that's just me.
> -Francisco
> http://sqlthis.blogspot.com | Tsql and More...

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