[dba-SQLServer] [AccessD] MySQL

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun Sep 18 19:29:33 CDT 2011


In that scenario, it would certainly make sense to instal WAMP to give you MySQL and the 
phpMyAdmin interface on the XP machine.


On 18 Sep 2011 at 20:00, jwcolby wrote:

> We are actually looking at starting with Windows XP X64 as the OS on
> this (otherwise) entirely modern system.  If it works that gets rid of
> the "$X per seat" for something like Windows 2008.  If we can use
> MySQL on that with let's say 6 cores and 12 gigs of ram and a 60 gig
> SSD partition for the database files he could have a fairly serious
> system for his company size.

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