Asger Blond
ab-mi at
Wed Nov 14 14:46:09 CST 2012
Hi all, Testing fragmentation and index rebuild, can anyone explain the following: /* Create test table: */ CREATE TABLE Test(ID int IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT PK_ID PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, SomeColumn varchar(50)); GO /*Insert 300 rows with incrementing values for the clustered column:*/ INSERT Test(SomeColumn) VALUES('some value'); GO 300 /* Check the fragmentation:*/ SELECT avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats( DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID('Test'),NULL,NULL,'DETAILED'); GO --> 50 /* Question: Why does these inserts cause fragmentation of the clustered index? */ /* Try index rebuild and check fragmentation again: */ ALTER INDEX PK_ID ON Test REBUILD; GO SELECT avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID('test'),NULL,NULL,'DETAILED'); GO --> still 50 /* Question: Why does the index rebuild not remove the fragmentation? */ /* Now cause a deliberate fragmentation by adding a new 800 char column and filling with 800 x's for all existing rows: */ ALTER TABLE Test ADD SomeNewColumn char(800) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'x'; GO /* Check fragmentation: */ SELECT avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID('test'),NULL,NULL,'DETAILED'); GO --> still 50 /* Retry index rebuild and check fragmentation again: */ ALTER INDEX PK_ID ON Test REBUILD; GO SELECT avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID('test'),NULL,NULL,'DETAILED'); GO --> now 0 /* Question: Why does an index rebuild remove the fragmentation in this case as opposed to the previous case? */ Asger