James Barash
james at fcidms.com
Wed Apr 3 12:52:27 CDT 2013
David: I see that all the time. It's some sort of bug in Management Studio. If you create a table and then create a stored procedure without closing Management Studio, you will get the Invalid Object message. As long as the query runs, there won't be any problems. Once you close and reopen Management Studio, everything will be fine. At least that has been my experience. James Barash -----Original Message----- From: dba-sqlserver-bounces at databaseadvisors.com [mailto:dba-sqlserver-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of David McAfee Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 1:15 PM To: Discussion concerning MS SQL Server Subject: [dba-SQLServer] Invalid Object name, SQL 2012 Have any of you come across this error? I am running a local instance of SQL 2012 on my box. I created a few tables and I am now creating a stored procedure. In the procedure, I get a red underline under one of the table names. When I mouse over the red underline, it displays: "Invalid object name 'tblTerritoryRsmJunct'" The select statement DOES work and return the correct values. SELECT R.RegionDesc, GSM.Fullname AS GSM, RSM.Fullname AS RSM, T.Territory, T.TerrID AS TerritoryID FROM tblRegion R (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblUser GSM (NOLOCK) ON R.GsmUserGuid = GSM.UserGuid INNER JOIN tblTerritory T (NOLOCK) ON T.RegionID = R.RegionID INNER JOIN (SELECT TerritoryID, MAX(entryDate) as MaxDate FROM tblTerritoryRsmJunct (NOLOCK) WHERE entryDate < @AsOfDate GROUP BY TerritoryID) AS RJ1 ON T.TerrID = RJ1.territoryid INNER JOIN tblRouteSellerJunct AS RJ2 (NOLOCK) ON RJ1.territoryID = RJ2.TerritoryID AND RJ1.MaxDate = RJ2.entryDate INNER JOIN tblUser RSM (NOLOCK) ON RSM.UserGuid = RJ2.RsmGuid I've even dragged in the table name from the Object explorer so it reads: [dbo].[tblRouteSellerJunct] but it still underlines it in red. The file name is 20 characters long. I've named tables with longer names before. Any ideas? Thanks, David _______________________________________________ dba-SQLServer mailing list dba-SQLServer at databaseadvisors.com http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/dba-sqlserver http://www.databaseadvisors.com