Gustav Brock
gustav at
Mon Oct 28 08:28:18 CDT 2013
Hi all I'm a noob when it comes to T-SQL - try to limit myself to tables and views - so could someone please explain what is going on here? What does this WITH mean? How would you retrieve the data from Access? Is "vParent = null" valid code in T-SQL? Why not "vParent is null"? <SQL> WITH security_menu_Recursive(Parent,MenuId,MenuName,LEVEL) AS ( SELECT vparent,vmenuid,vmenuname,0 AS LEVEL FROM dbo.SecurityMenu WHERE vParent = null UNION ALL SELECT vparent,vmenuid,vmenuname,Level + 1 AS LEVEL FROM dbo.SecurityMenu INNER JOIN security_menu_Recursive AS smr ON smr.menuid = dbo.SecurityMenu.vParent ) SELECT parent,menuid,menuname,LEVEL FROM security_menu_Recursive </SQL> The full tip is here: L-Server-2008 /gustav