[dba-SQLServer] "SELECT @SQL" - A bit lost.

Darryl Collins darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Tue Sep 9 20:58:43 CDT 2014

Ok.... I seem to have this one working ok now - largely thanks to some guidance from you folks - so a big thank you for your advice and feedback.

As suspected - it was partly an issue of ignorance and tiredness.  I actually had two problems to correct.  

The first one corrected id'd by David Lewis being the IF statements in the SPROC were not correctly formed.  I did try this yesterday, but clearly I fouled it up as today it is working fine.

The 2nd issue was the VBA code I use to pass the parameter to SQL server was not set up correctly - I was passing thru a couple of the parameters in the wrong order. That was easy enough to spot once I got the SPROC to manually fire correctly.

Mark was asking about the use of the syntax using CAST

SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND MaterialClassName = ' + CAST(@MatClassName as NVARCHAR(6)) + ''

The reason I need to do this is the Server is expected to execute a string and unlike VBA built strings you need to explicitly convert anything that is not a string (so all the integer parameters passed into the sproc in this example) into strings *before* it is executed.  You can use either CAST or CONVERT for this.  I have always used CAST which has performed flawlessly, but that comes down to ignorance and luck.  There may be a good / better reason to use CONVERT instead but as CAST has always worked for me I have been happy to stick with it for now.

The VBA that passes the parameters is below - this works great now I have the darn append parameter lines in the correct sequence.

Public Function BuildInOut_Summary_SPOnly_SSSP(Procedure As String, _
                                        SourceTable As String, _
                                        ProdClassType As Integer, _
                                        ProdClassName As Integer, _
                                        ProdName As Integer, _
                                        Activity As Integer, _
                                        MatClassName As Integer _
                                        ) As Boolean

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
    On Error GoTo ErrHandle
    With cmd
        .ActiveConnection = gDbADOConStr
        .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
        .CommandText = "spBuildInOut_Summary_SPOnly"
    End With
    With cmd.Parameters
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("Procedure", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, Procedure)
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("SourceTable", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, SourceTable)
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("ProdClassType", adInteger, adParamInput, , ProdClassType)
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("ProdClassName", adInteger, adParamInput, , ProdClassName)
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("ProdName", adInteger, adParamInput, , ProdName)
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("Activity", adInteger, adParamInput, , Activity)
        .Append cmd.CreateParameter("MatClassName", adInteger, adParamInput, , MatClassName)
    End With
    Set cmd = Nothing
Exit Function


BuildInOut_Summary_SPOnly_SSSP = False
End Function

So the functional SQL SERVER SPROC code looks like this now:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spBuildInOut_Summary_SPOnly]

@Procedure NVARCHAR(100),
@SourceTable NVARCHAR(100),
@ProdClassType int,
@ProdClassName int,
@ProdName int,
@Activity int,
@MatClassName int

	-- SELECT NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result SELECTs from
	-- interfering with SELECT statements.


        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' Temp_tblEveSteps_Temp'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + '('
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + 'ProcedureClassType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureClassName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' MaterialClassName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' MaterialTypeName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' QuantityTypeName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_ProcClassManual,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_QuanType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_MatClassType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' PortionType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' Activity,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ActivityFocus,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FromActivity,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FromFocus'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ')'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SELECT'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureClassType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureClassName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' MaterialClassName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' MaterialTypeName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' QuantityTypeName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_ProcClassManual,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_QuanType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_MatClassType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' PortionType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' Activity,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ActivityFocus,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FromActivity,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FromFocus'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FROM ' + @SourceTable + ''
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' GROUP BY'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureClassType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureClassName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ProcedureName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' MaterialClassName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' MaterialTypeName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' QuantityTypeName,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_ProcClassManual,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_QuanType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' SeqID_MatClassType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' PortionType,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' Activity,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' ActivityFocus,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FromActivity,'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' FromFocus'
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' HAVING ProcedureClassType = ' + CAST(@ProdClassType as NVARCHAR(6)) + ''
        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ProcedureClassName =  ' + CAST(@ProdClassName as NVARCHAR(6)) + ''
        If @Procedure = 'Mining'
                	SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ProcedureName = ' + CAST(@ProdName as nvarchar(6)) + ''

		If @Procedure = 'Downstream'
                	SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ProcedureName = ' + CAST(@ProdName as nvarchar(6)) + ''
         If @Procedure = 'Stockpile'
		SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ActivityFocus = ' + CAST(@Activity as nvarchar(6)) + ''
         ELSE IF @Procedure = 'Discard'
		SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ActivityFocus = ' + CAST(@Activity as nvarchar(6)) + ''

         ELSE IF @Procedure = 'Rehandle'
		SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND FromActivity = ' + CAST(@Activity as nvarchar(6)) + ''

		SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND Activity = ' + CAST(@Activity as nvarchar(6)) + ''

        SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND MaterialClassName = ' + CAST(@MatClassName as NVARCHAR(6)) + ''
		--PRINT @sql

        EXECUTE (@SQL)



Thanks everyone.


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