[dba-SQLServer] SQL Server Azure and MS Access 2010 and/or other better options

Scott Marcus scott.marcus at tsstech.com
Wed Aug 26 06:42:42 CDT 2015


There are much cheaper options...


Don't get confused by the naming of their plans. PersonalClass, BusinessClass, ResellerClass are levels of service and not limits for what you can use them. The PersonalClass would most likely meet your needs.

You don't have to use the website portion of the hosting. Just use the MS SQL.

Scott Marcus

-----Original Message-----
From: dba-SQLServer [mailto:dba-sqlserver-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Darryl Collins
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 9:24 PM
To: Discussion concerning MS SQL Server <dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: [dba-SQLServer] SQL Server Azure and MS Access 2010 and/or other better options

Greetings People,

Given you are all way smarter and experienced in the world of SQL Server, I am going to ask your thoughts here.  Early days and I am looking for options.

In particular I was wondering if anyone has anyone has experience with using SQL Server Azure with a MS Access FE?
On the pricing of Azure, it seems you pay for every hour the DB exists, I am not sure how that works?  I mean, even if no-one access it for 2 weeks, I want it to 'exist' - or am I misunderstanding this whole SaaS thing?

Brief Big Picture:

Have multiple global users (about 20) who will need to log in occasionally (about once a week for a couple of hours) to update project forecasting data and view some bespoke reporting.  I have built this sort of thing before, but the SQL Server has always been in house and everyone who uses it on the same network.

The actual load and demand on the server will be tiny.  The SQL Server DB is mostly going to sit there doing bugger all and will spend a lot of time being a data store for reporting.

Azure appeals as it can be accessed from anywhere and Access 2010 (which we use) can hook right into it.

Frankly am happy to look at all options here.  Personally I would be happy to push the whole show out to an external provider (say something like <<http://www.workflowmax.com/>>) but the boss seems keen to keep the development in house.  Which is good for me (I will be doing this).

I can think of other potential options - Sharepoint might be one as well?

Thanks for your time

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