[dba-SQLServer] SQL Server Field Data Security

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Jun 6 11:00:36 CDT 2023

Hi Dan

Then you should study the current industry standard methods using Microsoft's CNG API.

All of this is covered in my article series:

1. Utilise Microsoft's Next Generation Cryptography (CNG) API in VBA
2. Hashing in VBA using the Microsoft NG Cryptography (CNG) API
3. Encryption in VBA using the Microsoft NG Cryptography (CNG) API
4. Using binary storage to serve the Microsoft NG Cryptography (CNG) API
5. Storing passwords in VBA using the Microsoft NG Cryptography (CNG) API

At Experts Exchange:


Also at GitHub:


where full code can be found as well as ready-to-use demos in Access and Excel.

Practical usage also includes methods for storing the generated data, binary as they natively are.

Code is, in its core, not for beginners, but the functions are carefully structured, thus implementation at the top level (in your application) is dead simple.
Also, it is cross-language: Values created in VBA can, for example, be read with PowerShell and vice versa.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dba-SQLServer <dba-sqlserver-bounces+gustav=cactus.dk at databaseadvisors.com> På vegne af Daniel Waters
Sendt: 6. juni 2023 17:08
Til: Discussion concerning MS SQL Server <dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: Re: [dba-SQLServer] SQL Server Field Data Security

Hi Stuart - Please add me to your list.  I'd like to start learning something about encrypting data!


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