[dba-Tech] Security measures

Francisco H Tapia my.lists at verizon.net
Wed Aug 27 10:30:35 CDT 2003

1. Firewall : Sygate Personal Firewall (the best imho, even compared to 
2. Antivirus: TrendMicro 2003 (best antivirus program on the market (imho)

3. Don't do Automatic Windows update, in fact No Windows update... am 
signed up for the notification from MS on patches and updates. 
Carefully guage each update and only apply as needed. ghost images are 
created BEFORE each patch. (just in case)

4. Signed up to a hardwarelist which other people report back on the 
success of patches (hardwaregroup.com)

Don't use IE, only Mozilla Firebird (.61), and recently moved away from 
OE to Mozilla Thunderbird (.1), basic email exploits are a thing of the 
past... oh and I can still read my hotmail email thorugh the client ;o)
thanks to this program Hotmail Popper(www.boolean.ca).

Porter, Mark wrote:
> Not really.  I do regular windows updates, and the AVG update is on
> automatic for every 3 days.  I do backups and ghosts every once in a while
> just incase, though.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven W. Erbach [mailto:serbach at new.rr.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:55 PM
> To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
> Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Security measures
> Mark,
> This is just the kind of thing I've been looking for. Thank you.
> Do you do anything special to keep up-to-date on Internet and PC security?
> Or are you now so well protected that nothing fazes you anymore?
> Regards,

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