[dba-Tech] MS patches Scroll out of IE

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Nov 19 09:24:09 CST 2003

Hi Marty

I was too fast, those results were for Opera.

Here's the results for IE 5.5:

       Your Local System's MSXML Parsers:
       Msxml2.DOMDocument.2.6 | Automation server could not create object

       Your Local System's MDAC:
       MDACVer.Version | Automation server could not create object


> Date: 2003-11-19 16:00

> In my XSL file I am using Xpath which is compatible with MSXML 3.0, I 
> think you can install XML 3.0 with IE5.5

> Come to think of it Office 2003 installs XML 5.0
> Prior to release of  XML 3.0 parser , Microsoft was using an older 
> version of XSL spec that didn't include XSLT

> To see, what version of MSXML is on your system, try this XML sniffer

> http://www.topxml.com/parsers/sniffer/default.asp

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