Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Sun Oct 26 03:03:56 CST 2003
On 25 Oct 2003 at 20:44, Kathryn Bassett wrote: > Drew said: > > Ya, the free method is to stop the messenger service on your machine. Or, > > if you need the messenger service, install Zone Alarm. (Though I had stuff > > like that get through Zone Alarm before, had to tweak the settings a bit. > > I do have ZA (the free version). > > Francisco said: > > Sygate Personal Firewall will stop those for you. > > and for personal use it IS free. > > Will there be a problem if both are installed? ZA works for everything else except those blasted gray popups, I don't want to mess it up. > There's no point in running more than one firewall if it is capable of doing the job. I switched from ZA to Kerio Personal Firewall (free for home and personal use) some time ago because I found it much more configurable and also easy to use. First time *anything* tries to get through either way, it will tell you exactly what it is and prompt you to "create a rule" to either perimt or deny that particular application/port etc in future. -- Lexacorp Ltd Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.