[dba-Tech] Website Management Tools

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Apr 28 23:23:23 CDT 2004

On 28 Apr 2004 at 18:37, Mitsules, Mark S. (Newport Ne wrote:

> I have been tasked with performing some webserver cleanup.  Any
> recommendations for a no-cost tool that performs automatic renaming of files
> (i.e. remove all spaces)?  

MS Access? Something like:

Function Cleanup(directory as string) as long
Dim strFilename as String
Dim strFilename2 as String

ChDir Directory
strFilename = Dir(directory)
While strFilename > " "
      StrFilename2 = Replace(strFilename," ","")
      If srtFilename2 <> strFilename Then
	      Name strFilename As strFilename2         
     strFilename = Dir$()
End Function

>Does such a tool exist that would also update the
> HTML as well?

Same sort of thing.
Open the HTML document, Read it into a string variable and manipulate 
the string using Replace() or whatever is required.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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