Erwin Craps - IT Helps
Erwin.Craps at
Wed Feb 4 05:36:04 CST 2004
Hi I'm reading these days alot about hidden information in word/excel documents. I'm wondering if the folowing is posible. MS uses techniques (like in Access) when you delete some information in a file, that the data is actualy not deleted but marked as beeing no longer there. But the data is actualy still in the file. What I want to know is when having an excel file, and you delete rows and save it. Is it posible to recuperate those rows in any way or even to know rows are deleted due to some kind of user logging as in Word exists? Erwin Craps Zaakvoerder This E-mail is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and E-mail confirmation to the sender. IT Helps - I.T. Help Center *** Box Office Belgium & Luxembourg <> * <> * <> IT Helps bvba* ** Mercatorpad 3 ** 3000 Leuven IT Helps * Phone: +32 16 296 404 * Fax: +32 16 296 405 E-mail: Info at Box Office ** Fax: +32 16 296 406 ** Box Office E-mail: Staff at <mailto:figures at>