[dba-Tech] Force (HTML) footer in Exchange Server.

Haslett, Andrew andrew.haslett at ilc.gov.au
Tue Feb 10 22:43:05 CST 2004


We use the one for 5.5, which is found here:


-----Original Message-----
From: Erwin Craps - IT Helps [mailto:Erwin.Craps at ithelps.be] 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February 2004 11:07 PM
To: dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: [dba-Tech] Force (HTML) footer in Exchange Server.

Hi group
Can I force a (HTML) footer for every E-mail that leaves the company through
Exchange Server (either 5.5 or 2K)?
Or some way to centralize a uniform footer for everyone, Name & Function


Erwin Craps




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