[dba-Tech] Zonealarm v5

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Jun 1 05:34:44 CDT 2004

On 1 Jun 2004 at 10:47, Jon Tydda wrote:

> Zonelabs have brought out version 5 of their firewall, and having installed
> it on my brothers pc when I was rebuilding it, it's great - got loads of
> extra features, and is more stable than before.
> So I'm looking at downgrading my subscription to Zonealarm, although the
> other versions don't offer all the other features of the firewall - I bought
> the Pro version, because it has ad blocking, and all sorts of other useful
> bits, which the others don't come with. So because they decided to include
> AV, all the customers get screwed over. Does downgrading mean I'll get some
> money back from the licence I bought? No, I think not... Nice one lads. 

Yep, there was a warning about it on the Langalist the other day. The bottom 
line was:
.... and there are other letters too. In short, if you have a copy of ZA
4x, hang on to it. At the very least, the 5x version seems not ready for
prime time; and it may simply have become too big, too complex, and too
unwieldy for its own--- or our--- good."

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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