[dba-Tech] Laptop Recommendation

Francisco H Tapia my.lists at verizon.net
Wed Jun 9 16:06:57 CDT 2004

That's bizar, must have been your choice in boards, because there is no 
absolute way that an AMD processor will wear down your onboard battery 
to hold the time.  If  your batch of boards were old, and therefor the 
batteries may have been old as well...

for me and AMD it was always ABIT boards, until I saw the new batch of 
boards mature... the current list of manufactures that I'll even look at 
include, Not necessairly in this order


of course I stay away from anything that has AliMagic chips, Just about 
any of the above manufactures provide current releases w/ Nforce2 chipset.

David Lind wrote On 6/9/2004 12:54 PM:

>I'm not sure about the overheating problem, but I do know that until this last computer I built, EVERY computer I built that had an AMD chip on the board REQUIRED an external battery. Don't know why, but it sucked the onboard battery dry within 2-3 months. The only way to keep the system date and time correct was to add an external battery. The chip I have now doesn't do that, so either I magically got the bad chip of every batch or something.

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